Spring is HERE, and you've got so much bicycling to do! Get your order in now & we'll make sure you have your new bike in time for all of your cycling adventures!


We've compiled some how-to videos to help with some of the more common procedures and services on your Co-Motion bike. Written instructions are also listed under the Manuals section of this website.

Bringing Co-Motion's Showroom to You.
Four Co-Motion Touring Bikes- Overview

Pangea Equipped with Rohloff Drivetrain
Siskiyou Adventure Touring Model

Divide Pinion Adventure Touring Model
Americano Touring Model

A typical day at the Co Motion Cycles factory.
Oil Change on a Pinion Gearbox P1.18 Co-Motion Siskiyou.

S&S Coupler maintenance on Co-Motion bike.
Rohloff Shifter Installation at Co-Motion Cycles.

Packing a tandem bike in airline compatible travel cases.
Installing the SON generator hub, Schmidt Edelux light, and USB top cap.

Co-Motion Co-Pilot Travel Case - Video Review
SPEEDHUB Workshop - oil change